
The ensemble of Theater Olé

Fotocredit: Agnes Zorell

Friday, 9th November 2018 - 7 p.m. / Theater Olé / OPENING!

Opening Night with a premiere!

Friday, 9th November 2018 - 7 p.m. / Theater Olé / OPENING!:
Helga Hutter, Ilka Kotal, Verena Vondrak, Pete Belcher, Martin Kotal, Hubertus Zorell

Friday, 9th November 2018 - 7 p.m. / Theater Olé / OPENING!

Opening Night with a premiere!

Friday, 9th November 2018 - 7 p.m. / Theater Olé / OPENING!:
Helga Hutter, Ilka Kotal, Verena Vondrak, Pete Belcher, Martin Kotal, Hubertus Zorell

Fotocredit: Agnes Zorell

What clowns love to do most: celebrate.
With or without occasion.
And if there is an occasion: all the better!
Let´s say: a tenth anniversary. Exactly! If THAT´S not an occasion!
Invite some friends, prepare a little something, and off we go!
But a celebration is a logistical challenge, and the term “logistics” alone is something deeply puzzling to clowns. And, let’s not forget, LOVE TO DO MOST is not the same as DO BEST.
Whatever has to happen will happen.
That’s clownery for you!